Welcome to the Animal Jam Paws! Find the latest Animal Jam news, secrets & more!! The more you guys comment; the more I'll post =(^.^)=

Ask EnchantedPawz

Ask EnchantedPawz what, exactly?

*Questions on Animal Jam, that maybe I didn't cover (e.g. "How many lands are there?")
*Questions on How-To's (e.g. "How can I get a Rare Fox Hat)
*Stuff I didn't cover in the Daily Post (e.g. "Did you say Llama's were coming tomorrow!?)

What not to ask

*A/G/L (Age, Gender, Location)
*What are all your deepest, darkest secrets???
*Where do you live?

To ask a question, just comment below.
Ask away!

(Ps. I will delete all questions that go against the rules)


  1. What do you find interesting in Animal Jam? ^.^

    1. I'd have to say (blogging), maybe joining clans and making new buddies, along designing my den and animals. Thanks for asking :)


Hiya Jammers :) When commenting, it'd be nice if you could follow some basic rules:
-Please respect everyone's opinion, even if you may not agree.
-Don't bully or tease (obviously)
-Keep the content appropriate for everyone!
-Being rude and swearing isn't tolerated :(
Thank you for following these rules when you comment =(^.^)=
(also, thank you for not spamming) :)


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