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Journey Book

MT. Shivver

Slate, on the side of Mt.Shivver right next to the Hot Cocoa Hut.

Yak, left-hand side of Mt. Shivver near the top.

Hawk Moth, by Bride to Jamaa Township & upper side of the Hot Tub.

Himalayan Tahr, Climbing up side of Mt. Shivver on the right-hand side of top.

Lemming, pops up on right-hand side of icy slide.

Red Panda, very right corner of Mt. Shivver, next to the Hot Tub.

Himalayan Poppy, very left-hand corner of Mt.Shivver next to the Hot Cocoa Hut

Juniper, Middle/Left of Mt.Shivver's bottom

Permafrost, middle of Mt.Shiver (next to ice and Hot Tub)

Partridge, found just below the campfire on left side  of Mt. Shiver

Gold, Found on side of cave going into Crystal Sands
Red Panda Plushie, Prize

Sarepia Forest


Coral Canyons 

Kimbara Outback 

Lost Temple of Zios 

Crystal Sands 

Bahari Bay 

Kani Cove 

Crystal Reef 

Deep Blue

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