Welcome to the Animal Jam Paws! Find the latest Animal Jam news, secrets & more!! The more you guys comment; the more I'll post =(^.^)=

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Night of the Phantoms!

Hiya Jammers! Welcome to the official Night of the Phantoms post from AJP!
Today there are two new items, just in time for trick-or-treating...

Both found in Jamaa Township @ Jam Mart Clothing/Furniture

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We reached our goal of 1 500 views!! Click Here to read the post.

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Here are some NOTP Graphics you can use for free ^.^

Comment Question: What is your animal dressed like for Night of The Phantoms?

Happy Night of the Phantoms!!


Wednesday, 28 October 2015

AJP's Authors

So, by me posting this a day late, tomorrow is today and yesterday was three days ago...
Um, does that make sense?

So, AJP needs new authors. And...If you want to be an author here is what you need...

•A blogger/Gmail account
•Include times when you could post (on a regular basis, some days, once a week, ect.)
•Your AJ username
•A little about yourself (no personal info, obviously!)
•Your AJ history (how long you've been playing, have you ever been scammed, ect.)
•A sample post
•Why you want to post for the AJP

I'll provide signatures for the author, if they'd like
Author tryouts will be held until Nov., 10th, 2015. I will choose one or two authors, and e-mail them their schedule.
To submit your info, and any other questions, e-mail theanimaljampaws@gmail.com

Until tomorrow
Play Wild!!!


Monday, 26 October 2015

50th Post!!!

Hiya Jammers! Wow...I almost forgot how I started posts *_*
Anyway, it's clear I've been away for a long time. Like, over a month and a half. That's how long the Beta Days lasted. I mean, come on, the Beta Days!
So...I've come back. I haven't posted since Summer Vacation, and I was almost going to do a 'Hiatus' post, but I didn't want that for my 50th post, 'cause that would just look bad. In a way. Or honest...either one. It's clear I need new authors. Tomorrow I will post some requirements to become an author. I may choose one or two...I'll see. You may have also noticed I threw together a 'Night of The Phantoms Edition' blog template. This will last 'till November 1st. When Christmas music starts. Has anyone ever noticed that? Anyway, I should stop blabbing and get on with the post. It's Monday, so that works out fairly well with the whole '50th Post' thing.

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Anyway, today's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Pumpkin Mask, for 450 gems at Jam Mart Clothing. Has anyjammer realized that the RIM colors are getting a bit better recently?

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So, I though I'd do some graphics, because I've missed Feast of Thanks, and  I haven't done any for a while. Here you are

You can also find them under Graphics, on the navigation menu

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Have anyjammers noticed how you can now choose to put on your username or animal jam for your nametag on AJ? I just noticed recently, due to its new, or I'm seriously behind on news.

To change from usernames to animal names, go to Options > Nametag > and click the blue button circle

Animal name...

...Or username
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Well, that's all for today, Jammers! Come back tomorrow for author tryouts! (Or just to read them because your bored. ^.^)

Comment Question: What is your favorite Night of The Phantoms Item? It can be a den or clothing item.

Play Wild!!


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