Welcome to the Animal Jam Paws! Find the latest Animal Jam news, secrets & more!! The more you guys comment; the more I'll post =(^.^)=

Monday, 31 August 2015

Blogging Help no.2 ~ How to create a proper post (Animal Jam)

Hiya Jammers! I haven't posted any Blogging Help this month - so...

How To Create a Proper Post 

Okay, so we know one thing. Post should never start like this - 

The new item today is the Rare Deer Claw

(Insert Image Here)

What do you think? OK, Bye!

Never do that! Start a post somewhat like this...

Hiya/Hello/Hey Jammers! Welcome to (insert blog name here)! Today's new item is 

(insert image here)

(give your opinion about the item...remember to use you own voice)
Well, that's all for today Jammers!
Play Wild/Bye!/See you in Jamaa/Until Tomorrow

(insert signature here) 

Remember to use your own voice to create a post. This is how I would probably do a post - but it's a rough example post. 

Add some interesting stuff - graphics, facts, glitches and costume corner (or whatever you may call it).

Add interesting titles. Not something like this...

Magical Berrybunny goes to the Zoo.

maybe something like this?

Magical Berrybunny explores the new Jamaasian Zoo!

But there's no zoos on AJ...Or they would probably be called prisons.

Sooo...You guys could probably do better posts then me but...Here you go! 'Till tomorrow

(As you can probably tell...I was in a hurry)

RIM - Rare Square Glasses

Hiya Jammers! Today's RIM is a re-colored version of the Square Glasses, obviously. 
I kinds wish AJHQ could be a little more creative with their RIM - what do you think?
At least it's not overly expensive-but it's in the same colors as the last RIM :-/
The original version looks like this
And it's 300 gems less expensive. This item may seem really cheesy, but it actually makes some animals look half-way decent. 
* * * 

If you've been here before, you probably know how much Graphics I make. And I'm not bragging.
I made lots and lots, recently. Oh, wait. I does sound like I'm bragging D:
Anyway...here are some new graphics you may use without permission and free of charge ('cause who charges for some basic graphics??)

* * *

 Before I end this post here is the comment question / Mystery Monday

 Comment Question: Where is this image located? Feel free to share you're opinion below!

* * *

That's all for today, guys! come back tomorrow for some more Daily Updates!

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Blog Schedule

Ok, so here's a schedule jsut to get a basic idea of each post each day. So...

Monday: RIM, Mystery.
Tuesday: Normal Post, maybe a Costume Corner outfit.
Wednesday: Normal Post, maybe a glitch.
Thursday: Normal Post, or Jamaa Journal post.
Friday: Normal Post.
Saturday: Normal Post, whatever I can think of off the top of my head, lol.
Sunday: Normal Post

*I may or may not post the new videos at the theater(s) or Daily Explorer posts each day, but I will post facts and such as much as possible*

Till tomorrow

~ EnchantedPawz

New Animal Jam Icon Graphic's

Hiya Jammers! Again, as I looked through all the shops, there was no new item. Again, I thought "It's probably at the Back-to-School Party. So I just made some new graphics to share with you guys instead.

I just wanted to point out, on the second graphic I just edit it so it looks blank. Good job. I know. ;-)
I also have some blog-stuff to share.
-I deleted the "Alphas" page and moved it over to the "Jamaasian Lore" page.
-The "Journey Book" page now has Mt. Shivver.
-I'm adding new pics to the "Fun Stuff" Page.
So...That's all for blog updates. Now, since this post is really short, I'm gonna just add a glitch I found out a looong time ago.

Walk-On-Pool Glitch!
Step.1 Go to Tierney's Aquarium (Crystal Sands)
Step.2 Stand right about here-

Step.3 Quickly Change animals. As you're changing them (when it does the green swishy thing) 
run over to the  little pool

Step.4 Try again 'till you get it. If you follow these directions carefully you should be able to ^.^

That end's out post for today, Jammers! But before you go...

Comment Question: Do you know a glitch? If so, which one is your favorite? Feel free to Share  below!

Until tomorrow, Jammers!

Saturday, 29 August 2015

No New Item?

Hiya Jammers ^.^ Is it just me or are all the new items found at the Back-To-School Party? No I couldn't find any new items, so if you find one please let me know :P
So...Instead of a New-Item Daily Update we'll have a New More-Graphics Daily Update. I also wanted to point out the fact that I will no longer be doing "Blog Schedule"'cause that did not work out the way I planned it. So I'll just surprise you guys with whatever I feel like doing a post on...
So...More Graphics!

 I'm guessing if I left it like this the post would be pretty bor-ing
So I prepared some Fun Facts!

Did You Know?
The earliest sketches of the Lost Temple of Zios where these images here?

*Special thanks to Animal Jam Graphic Central
Pretty cool, Hey?

Comment Question: If you could decide a land type, what would it be? Comment below^.^ 

That about wraps up the post :) Until tommorrow, Play Wild.


Friday, 28 August 2015

Back-To-School Contest ~and~ Returning Steampunk Monocle

Hiya Jammers! Welcome to another update at the AJP :)
As you can see, I obviously did some editing to the blog, unless you haven't been here in a long time, then it may look the same. So yeah...I decided to stay with the original similar-to-the-original blog layout. So to start the Daily Update...
The Returning Steampunk Monocle, for sale at Jam Mart Clothing. I rember joining in mid-2013 and this being in stores. Or am I just hallucinating?
I also wanted to inform you that since that last contest, the Cotton Candy Contest didn't work out, I'll be having a Back-To-School Contest (raffle?)
The prizes will be some items, more likely "Rares". The only clue I'm giving you is that there will be a NM Non-Rare Bow and a Fox Hat?

Go to the Contest page for more info^.^

Obviously since it's Friday it's the Daily Explorer!

This is more factual, then cool, if you notice how it's grouped under "Cool Stuff". Then again, I go over the top sometimes when I'm making labels. If the newest item is sold in Epic Wonders, I also label it in Coral Canyons. They probably also needed to label it another one so it wasn't just "Jammer Facts." They were probably trying to make "Cool Jammer Facts." :O .That just made sense ^.^

This is pretty much it so...I'm just gonna show you guys an
Animal Jam Graphic!
Thats all for today, Guys! See you in Jamaa =(^.^)=

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Animal Jam Back-To-School Clothing Idea's & Fancy Toy Robot

Hiya Jammers! Welcome to another Daily Update. Todays post is going to be longer then usual 'cause it's going to include... Animal Jam Back-To-School clothing idea's! To get started I'll show you today's newest item...
The Fancy Toy Robot, found at Epic Wonders. This item is probably based off of the original Beta model; the Robot
(image found off the Animal Jam Wikia)
Today's also Tuesday, which means it's Costume Corner Tuesday. Luckily it ties in with today's Back-To-School post.

This is a costume I put together today to get ready for Back-To-School ^.^
What you need:
1. Necklace, found at Jam Mart Clothing for 45 gems.
2. Head Flower, found at Jam Mart clothing for 350 gems.
3. Silver Glove, found at Epic Wonders (clothing section) for 2 000 gems.
4.Backpack, found through trading (or if it comes back soon.)

Total: 2 395 gems

I'll be creating costumes & explorning ways to get ready for back-to-school on AJ 'till the end of August. If you have any back-to-school ideas for Animal Jam, e-mail them to theanimaljampaws@gmail.com. You'll get full credit if you would like, or please say something in the e-mail if you would like to remain anonymous. 

Before I end today's Daily Update I'd like to recognize that Flip Flops at Jam Mart Clothing are on Clearance! They'll probably come back next summer, like most seasonal items, so AJHQ has more items to come back to stores when the season changes.

Looks like that's the whole post for today, Jammers! Until tomorrow...Play Wild!!

Monday, 24 August 2015

RIM - Rare Wrist Watch

Hiya Jammers! Welcome to the most official Daily Update since about one month ago!
Since it's Monday, it's RIM (Rare Item Monday) so today's new item is...
the Rare Wrist Watch, found at Jam Mart Clothing! (along with most of the Rare Items recently)
This item is a Members-only and for 700 gems.

Today, along with RIM -- is Mystery Monday. Today'ss mystery is about a whale you may or may not have seen...
It all depends on how observant you are. This whale has been frozen in the Mount Shivver for how long...? It may or may not be alive, it depends on how cold the ice is.
But the question is, how long has it been frozen there for? Years maybe, hundreds of years? It looks prehistoric, so maybe thousands or millions...
What do you think of this mystery whale that has questioned us for so long? Write your reply below ^.^

And, just because there hasn't been a graphic in a while...
 That's all for today Jammers! Remember to comment!
What do you think of this prehistoric whale in Mt. Shivver? Comment Below ^.^

Friday, 21 August 2015

Update Tomorrow

Hiya Jammers! I've spent the whole day trying to decide how to blog should look. This means there wont be a post 'til tomorrow. I'm so sorry, I was looking forward to this weeks update, also :-/
If you have nay suggestions on how the blog should look, please let me know. I'm also planning to do a contest in a few days time, so let me know what kind it should be.
Until then

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

AJP Needs new Author(s)!!

Hiya Jammers. You know how I said I was gonna add new authors to the AJP? Well...Here are the requirements, there is no deadline but I'd like you to enter soon!

1. You must play Animal Jam at least three times a week.
2.You cannot have ever been banned and/or reported
3.You need to know the basics of AJ
4.You have played AJ for at least 6 months

Please submit your username, your basic AJ story (I joined on this year, made new buddies, ect., ect.)/what you do an AJ (for curiosity & a bit of background history, please don't get too personal ^.^)

To submit, please e-mail theanimaljampaws@gmail.com

If you don't get chosen to be a blog author, there are still many chances you may get.
Until then...Play Wild!


Saturday, 15 August 2015

Final Author Decision & Diamond Anklet

Hiya Jammers! Todays newest item is the Diamond Anklet, found at Epic Wonders for 1 000 gems!
Funny, you'd think this would be in the Diamond Shop :P
I've also finally made an author decision, yes...I'm going to be adding author(s). I'll post the requirements tomorrow, along with the Daily Post.
Until tomorrow

Friday, 14 August 2015

I'm Back + Possibly New Authors?

Hiya Jammers! I'm back after another lo-o-o-ng hiatus. I tried to post over and over again, but summer has just been to busy and hot. I'm think of maybe adding authors, but nothing is definite yet. If I do, they have to be able to post almost every day, in case I am to busy to post that day.
I'll tell you my final decision tomorrow, along with the daily post! 
Until then, Play Wild

Monday, 3 August 2015

RIM - Rare Cowbody Boots

Hiya Jammers! Yes...I'm still alive, I just took an unexpected hiatus while on vacation.
Today's new item is the Rare Cowboy Boots, found at Jam Mart Clothing
This item is a bit pricey, but looks OK in my opinion :-/
This is the only Rare type of Cowboy Boots, so if you think you've seen another kind, it's probably the Real Musketeer Boots. Which looks almost identical :P
Since this is a really short post, enjoy this graphic of a Sea Turtle ^.^

That looks like all for today's post ~ Play Wild =(^.^)=


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