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Monday, 24 August 2015

RIM - Rare Wrist Watch

Hiya Jammers! Welcome to the most official Daily Update since about one month ago!
Since it's Monday, it's RIM (Rare Item Monday) so today's new item is...
the Rare Wrist Watch, found at Jam Mart Clothing! (along with most of the Rare Items recently)
This item is a Members-only and for 700 gems.

Today, along with RIM -- is Mystery Monday. Today'ss mystery is about a whale you may or may not have seen...
It all depends on how observant you are. This whale has been frozen in the Mount Shivver for how long...? It may or may not be alive, it depends on how cold the ice is.
But the question is, how long has it been frozen there for? Years maybe, hundreds of years? It looks prehistoric, so maybe thousands or millions...
What do you think of this mystery whale that has questioned us for so long? Write your reply below ^.^

And, just because there hasn't been a graphic in a while...
 That's all for today Jammers! Remember to comment!
What do you think of this prehistoric whale in Mt. Shivver? Comment Below ^.^

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Hiya Jammers :) When commenting, it'd be nice if you could follow some basic rules:
-Please respect everyone's opinion, even if you may not agree.
-Don't bully or tease (obviously)
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-Being rude and swearing isn't tolerated :(
Thank you for following these rules when you comment =(^.^)=
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