Welcome to the Animal Jam Paws! Find the latest Animal Jam news, secrets & more!! The more you guys comment; the more I'll post =(^.^)=

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Blog Schedule

Ok, so here's a schedule jsut to get a basic idea of each post each day. So...

Monday: RIM, Mystery.
Tuesday: Normal Post, maybe a Costume Corner outfit.
Wednesday: Normal Post, maybe a glitch.
Thursday: Normal Post, or Jamaa Journal post.
Friday: Normal Post.
Saturday: Normal Post, whatever I can think of off the top of my head, lol.
Sunday: Normal Post

*I may or may not post the new videos at the theater(s) or Daily Explorer posts each day, but I will post facts and such as much as possible*

Till tomorrow

~ EnchantedPawz


  1. The Costume Corner on Tuesday is just like
    Fashion Tuesday on my blog!

  2. Cool! I hope you don't mind :) I didn't actually know you have Fashion Tuesday ^.^


Hiya Jammers :) When commenting, it'd be nice if you could follow some basic rules:
-Please respect everyone's opinion, even if you may not agree.
-Don't bully or tease (obviously)
-Keep the content appropriate for everyone!
-Being rude and swearing isn't tolerated :(
Thank you for following these rules when you comment =(^.^)=
(also, thank you for not spamming) :)


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