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Monday, 31 August 2015

Blogging Help no.2 ~ How to create a proper post (Animal Jam)

Hiya Jammers! I haven't posted any Blogging Help this month - so...

How To Create a Proper Post 

Okay, so we know one thing. Post should never start like this - 

The new item today is the Rare Deer Claw

(Insert Image Here)

What do you think? OK, Bye!

Never do that! Start a post somewhat like this...

Hiya/Hello/Hey Jammers! Welcome to (insert blog name here)! Today's new item is 

(insert image here)

(give your opinion about the item...remember to use you own voice)
Well, that's all for today Jammers!
Play Wild/Bye!/See you in Jamaa/Until Tomorrow

(insert signature here) 

Remember to use your own voice to create a post. This is how I would probably do a post - but it's a rough example post. 

Add some interesting stuff - graphics, facts, glitches and costume corner (or whatever you may call it).

Add interesting titles. Not something like this...

Magical Berrybunny goes to the Zoo.

maybe something like this?

Magical Berrybunny explores the new Jamaasian Zoo!

But there's no zoos on AJ...Or they would probably be called prisons.

Sooo...You guys could probably do better posts then me but...Here you go! 'Till tomorrow

(As you can probably tell...I was in a hurry)

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Hiya Jammers :) When commenting, it'd be nice if you could follow some basic rules:
-Please respect everyone's opinion, even if you may not agree.
-Don't bully or tease (obviously)
-Keep the content appropriate for everyone!
-Being rude and swearing isn't tolerated :(
Thank you for following these rules when you comment =(^.^)=
(also, thank you for not spamming) :)


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