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Friday, 24 July 2015

Jamaaliday Jam in July & Koala Claw!

Click Here to enter my Cotton Candy Contest - only a few day's left!
  Hiya Jammers! Welcome to another post on the AJP ^.^  I finally got into the Jamaaliday Jam (first attempt lol) and have some pics...but before we do that today's new item is the Koala Claw!
It's affordable and it's for Members and Non Members! Found at the DS, for it's currency and border.
Anyways...Here ares some snaps from the Jamaaliday Jam

 Here are the Jamaaliday Jam Items, as always.
Winters Dance, sold at Jamaaliday Jam every year for 100 gems

Me not knowing who I am. Chocolate or Mud?

Random people, random dancing
 Now...Time for the DE post I promised every Friday

This really isn't very exiting...unless your screen is messed-up. But it's helpful ^_^ 
I know I haven't shown you a cute picture in a while so...

Baby Horse!!! Funny, this actually looks like an AJ horse ':-)

Comment Question: The paths to get into the Ginger Bread House at the Jamaaliday Jam and the Ginger Bread Dens are brown and white swirls. This is a type of cake, do you know what kind it is? Comment Below! This is tricky so the one who comments the right answer will tomorrow get a shout-out if desired^.^
Thats all the Updates for today! Play Wild :)

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-Please respect everyone's opinion, even if you may not agree.
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Thank you for following these rules when you comment =(^.^)=
(also, thank you for not spamming) :)


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