Hiya Jammers! welcome to another RIM here on AJP...
I was very surprised to find that today's RIM was a Rare Doctor Bag...
Found at the Medical Center??? There hasn't been a new item at the Medical Center since 2013!
This item is kinda pricey, but the colors aren't insane, like some other RIM.
I have also created some new graphic free to use (obviously) and no permission needed! Click Here to go to the graphics page
Anyways...For today's Monday Mystery:
Why can't you get on the bed in the Medical Center? Is there a reason? Is it because AJHQ doesn't want anyone to roll-play devastating scenes, that younger jammers may see? Also, why doesn't anyone go to the Medical Center anymore? For that reason? What do you think? Best comment wins a shout-out!
That's the Daily Update for today, jammers! Thanks for viewing & Play Wild!
My guess is because there isn't anything to do but sit on the bench's. `,:T