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Wednesday, 1 July 2015

The First Daily Update ~and~ Play Wild App

Hello, Jammers! Today is AJP's first Daily Update, and we have already 50 views!!! 
My goal is by the end of August to have 200 views, and it looks like that may happen!!!
And for today's post,  the daily item(s) in Jamaa is

A Non Member Larkspur for 350 gems ~and~ a Larkspur Bouquet for 700 gems
found at Treetop Gardens, in Sarepia Forest

The Non Member Larkspur makes a good den decoration, too.
despite my horrible decorating skills ;) 

The Birthstone for this month is 

The Ruby Birthstone, for 1 500 gems and can be bought at Epic Wonders in Coral Canyons.

The App that everyone is talking about has arrived, says my Jam A Gram.

I'm not sure if it already arrived, but  I'm pretty sure if it did, not a lot of Jammers know about it.
I'm also interested to see if the Jamaa Journal will say anything about it.

So for the ending of the AJP's first post...
Play Wild!

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